Tuesday, July 4, 2017


you are furry, I can scrape you smooth

you are weak, I can make you strong

you are strong, I can make you weak

you are fat, I can make you thin

you are thin, I can make you fat

you don't know, I can teach you

you don't know yourself, I can teach you

you don't know me, I can teach you

and make you grow with that knowledge

in due time

but whatever change may come, I will not change what came before

I will only change what comes after

your past made what you are now

and made you come to accept the choice I present

if I erase it from your mind

where is the smile that you will show, with nothing to compare from before

your past is what makes you precious

if it is lost, you will no longer be you

just a mindless beast, guided by pain and pleasure

with no understanding of why it became that way

hiding deep within the desire to escape

only to one day find that what you are running from

is in fact what it always longed to have

so keep that mind of yours in one piece

in there exists a place for me to stay

to caress, poke and tease your thoughts in your moments of rest

to show you why you long for my chain on your neck

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